Sponsors & Volunteers, Despite COVID-19, the NEWPORT HALLOWEEN HOOTENANNY was a rousing success. We safely assembled over 2,500 children and adults and kept the tradition alive! It was truly a community effort.
To thank our volunteers and sponsors, we will have a free THANK-YOU PIG-PICKIN' in the Newport Town Park this Saturday 11/14/2020 at 5:00pm until.
All Rotarians, Sponsors, Volunteers and Friends of the Hootenanny are invited. Bring a friend and let's celebrate a great community and the continuation of this great community event! Free. No RSVP is required. Come as you are.
Newport Rotary
Matt Shortway, President
Julia Saikali, President-Elect
Rick Smith, Hootenanny Chair
Bevin Wall, Hootenanny Sponsors Coord.