Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Hootenanny Needs Volunteers

Dear Newport Community, 

It takes about 60 volunteers to fully staff the Newport Halloween Hootenanny Monday night. We currently have about 20 solid commitments. Newport always turns out, but please consult your calendar- WE NEED YOU. 

The primary need is for Monday from 5:30-9:00 pm for volunteers for games, concessions, and oversight. There is no set-up or tear-down required- only fun! Set-up volunteers are needed beginning at Noon on Monday. If you can come, please send your details in the Volunteer for the Hootenanny contact box on our website at newport-hootenanny.blogspot.com, email us at newporthootenanny@gmail.com, or call Hootenanny Central at 252-240-9120. Thanks, 

Pam Wall
Bevin Wall 
Hootenanny Staff
Newport Rotary